
Sartorialist and his success theory

Anna Dello Russo, vogue nippon - Sartorialist book signing @ Barney's

I'm just going to relax. It's true I have a stream of things to do. I think it's better to relax for now and think about things. Things like how the Sartorialist made his name.

At first I thought he captured the beauty in stylish people around the cities he's on assignment on. His images caught on and he became popular.

Then I realized that it was more than that. He was and still is mainly capturing stylish magazine editors. He makes celebrities out of them. I mean celebrities in the sense that a reality star, an unknown all of a sudden gets noticed. I imagine the editors liked this, being recognized even if it was between their circles and they propped the Sartorialist up. They made him famous perhaps even a celebrity in his own right. They advocated for a book. They went to his book openings. They propped each other up. That is what I attribute to his success. It's all about context baby.

And talent. They would have never looked at his photos in the first place if his photos weren't worth it. In the end I do adore the phenomenon that is the Sartorialist.

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