
shift dress patterns

Sometimes I wish I had a uniform.

These are days when I don't want to think about clothes and I just want to get on with my day.
I wish I had 5 colors of the same kind of outfit and I just wore them interchangeably.

In a way there are set outfits that I wear all the time that become somewhat like a uniform.
long cardigan, skinny jeans & flats or boots.

These days I want to introduce another type of uniform to my wardrobe:
Shift dress, tights and short boots.

I tried looking for simple shift dress patterns on burda, but I think that it's so simple that it's not there. Therefore, I bought some shift dress patterns that I like and will change the neckline for.
These are them:

Now all I have to do is post about the next step.... making them!

I got these at SelmaLee's store on etsy. I realized she has the best bang for the buck after searching for a pattern in my size. Some people charge $10 for when similar patterns go for $7 at other stores. I'm not gonna lie, it took me a while to find a pattern in my size that I liked.

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